Grant Opportunities for Teachers

NYSCATE Brandon DelCorvo Classroom Grant

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Each year, grants of up to $2,000 are awarded to NYSCATE members for projects consistent with its Mission Statement. They are intended to support innovative projects which align with New York Academic Content as well as the Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards. We encourage PK-12 educators as well as Higher Education faculty involved in teacher preparation to submit a proposal. The grants application window opens up in mid-Winter and is due by April 30 each year.  All grant proposals are reviewed independently by three separate reviewers based on the rubric in May with grant awards submitted to the NYSCATE Board in June for approval.  Grants are announced to the membership in July with grant award checks mailed in the summer.  All grant awardees are encouraged to present their winning grant submission as a poster session at the annual conference in November.

The Brandon DelCorvo Classrooms grants are named in memory of Brandon DelCorvo. Brandon graduated from Gates-Chili CSD and Wymoco (Wyoming and Monroe County) Computer Science Program in 2011.  Brandon was a student at Monroe Community College when he passed on September 20, 2012.  Born with significant physical issues, Brandon lived 19 years of an incredibly full life.  An avid sports fan, he could be seen watching every one his twin brother’s sporting events, knowing every stat on every one of his opponents.  For many years Brandon participated in the NYSCATE Conference, either stuffing bags or working the bookstore with his siblings.  Technology played a large role in Brandon’s life.  It allowed Brandon to graduate with his classmates at GCHS as well as participate in various gaming events. Brandon is and will always be a staple of the DelCorvo family, and through the NYSCATE Classroom Grant Program, a reminder that technology can be a game changer for all students.