Mathematics Courses for Educators in grades pre-K-5
September 14, 2021Field Tested Practical Tools Course for Helping Children Talk in School
September 27, 2021Tech Tools for Ells-Online
When: Wednesday, October 6th and ends by Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 Synchronous meetings via Zoom at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays October 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, and November 3rd
Instructor: Greg Conley
Tech Tools for ELLs provides participants the opportunity to learn how technology can support learning for English Language Learners. Participants will learn how different components of instruction can enhanced through the use of technology. These components are organized in a research-based sequence for teaching ELLs. By the end of the course, participants will be able to use activities and created exemplars in their own classrooms. Asynchronous assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. A personal Google account is required to access the course materials. District approval is required for in-service credit. (15 CTLE Hours in Ell category)
NYSUT ELT Virtual Seminar-Establishing Inclusive Classrooms Where Newcomer ELLs Thrive-Online
When: November 8th, 2021 from 4:30-7:30 pm
Audience: Teachers and Teaching AssistantsNewcomer students are recently-arrived immigrants representative of a range of languages, cultures, school experiences, literacy skills, and immigration circumstances. Many speak little or no English and may lack any formal education in their native countries. Guided by Eight Promising Practices, participants will learn ways to create an inclusive classroom for newcomer ELLs with spaces that embrace the voices of linguistically diverse communities and provide pathways for authentic learning opportunities.
Please note: District approval is needed for in-service credit. (3 CTLE Hours in Ell category)
Language Based Approach to Content Instruction to Teach Ells-Online
When: Monday, March 14th and ends on April 11th, 2022 – Online synchronous face to face Zoom meetings will take place at 7pm on Mondays, March 14th, 21st, 28th, April 4th and April 11th, 2022
Instructor: Maria Tsavos
As the population of English language learners continues to rise, teachers need to devise lessons to accommodate many diverse needs. LACI, or a Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction, is a framework that has been developed to help classroom teachers in content area instruction and lesson plan creation. This research-based framework focuses on the “6 C’s” of language demands in classrooms with English language learners. These six principles are connection, culture, code-breaking, community and collaboration, challenge and classroom interactions. Within each principle comes elements of instructional strategies and activities to help culturally and linguistically diverse learners. While this framework is representative of good overall teaching, it is most specifically geared towards language acquisition for English language learners. Asynchronous coursework will be completed in a Learning Management System.
District approval is needed for in-service credit. (15 CTLE Hours in Ell category)